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Cross-cultural Training

CC Competence - CC Training - Inhouse TrainingInteractive Training methods - China Compact


Cross-Cultural Competence

The expansion of China’s relations with the West has opened up numerous new business opportunities. China Coaching Center aims to optimize your cooperation with Chinese business partners.

Why don’t the Chinese clearly say what they mean? Why do business partners often arrive unpunctually? What does „loss of face“ mean and how can it be avoided?

Learning to master these and related sensitive issues gives professionals and managers the means to successfully conduct business in China. China Coaching Center familiarizes you with the cultural, political and economic peculiarities of the country. The key to your success is the development of cross-cultural skills and professional competence.

Successful negotiation with Chinese business partners:

  • Managing and motivating Chinese colleagues
  • Efficient cooperation with Chinese colleagues
  • Conflict avoidance and conflict solution
  • Presentation skills for a Chinese audience
  • Easily mastering daily life in China










Cross-Cultural Training

A comprehensive training program carefully prepares you to meet the „Chinese challenge“.

China Coaching Center’s training program conveys both theoretical and practical foundations for your interaction with China. You will be familiarized with the framework conditions as well as with possible problem situations in the foreign culture.

  • Being sensitized to one’s own values
  • Western and Chinese mentality
  • Assessment of Chinese business partners and colleagues
  • Regional differences in China
  • Informal communication
  • Indirect and non-verbal communication
  • Formal situations and etiquette, „saving face“
  • Hierarchies and personal networks

Based on these training modules, you will develop comprehensive cross-cultural skills – the foundation for your successful dealings in China.










Inhouse Training

Take advantage of a tailor-made on-site company training. The contents are adjusted to suit your needs and knowledge level.

You get to choose time and place of the seminar.




Interactive Training Methods

The different aspects of cross-cultural action require an equally varied teaching tools. China Coaching Center provides you with a diversified training program.

  • Short presentations
  • Group discussions
  • Teamwork
  • Critical incidents
  • Role playing with a Chinese Co-Trainer

In the interactive training, you will experience Chinese culture directly and acquire valuable practical skills.